By purchasing Group Executive Coaching, February 2022 you gain access to the four Executive Coaching programs offered for the month.
NOTE: Access will be provided via a meeting invite and Zoom link sent to your email.
February programs include:
Week 1: Know Thyself
- Clearly understand your behavioral style
- Understand and appreciate the differences in people
- Communicate more effectively
Week 2: Identify Your Values
- Individuate and articulate your core personal values
- Select values that govern the culture of your business •
- Choose the strategic business values upon which to make critical business decisions
Week 3: Identify Your Starting Point
- Identify the four key areas of your life
- Determine your satisfaction level in each of these four key life areas
- Establish clear benchmarks in each of these key life areas against which you can measure your progress
Week 4: State Your Purpose
- Clarify your personal purpose
- Align your business with your personal purpose
- Align your key stakeholders with your purpose
Group Executive Coaching, February 2022
Excluding Sales Tax