By purchasing Group Executive Coaching, March 2022 you gain access to the four Executive Coaching programs offered for the month.
NOTE: Access will be provided via a meeting invite and Zoom link sent to your email.
March programs include:
Week 1: Identify Your Areas of Excellence
- Discover the special talents and abilities you possess today
- Identify the core competency you will require in the future
- Develop a plan to ensure you master this core competency
Week 2: Identify Your Limiting Factors
- Discover the source of fully eighty percent of all constraints holding you back
- Identify the critical constraints limiting your progress toward your goals
- Develop plans to overcome the critical constraints in both your career and business
Week 3: Create Your Personal Strategic Plan
- Create your vision of an ideal career and business by answering eight foundational strategic questions
- Articulate your mission
- Determine the disciplines, skills and activities you will require to carry out your mission and achieve your vision
Week 4: Define Solutions Using Your GAP Analysis
- After completing this session, you will be able to apply the GAP analysis to the various facets of your life.
Group Executive Coaching, March 2022
Excluding Sales Tax